Selected resources on El Salvador
from Jump
Cut, no. 26, December 1981, p. 24
copyright Jump Cut: A Review of Contemporary Media, 1981, 2005
Regular coverage of and special publications on events in El Salvador increase every day. More and more people are becoming involved in the campaign to support the people of El Salvador in their struggle against a vicious ruling class kept in power by U.S. aid. Here we are presenting only the most important sources of information and organized support.
CISPES (The Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador) has organized much of the national and local support work, although many other political, church, and labor groups are also involved. You can reach CISPES national office at P.O. Box 12056, Washington, D.C., 20005 — (202) 887-5019.
The Guardian, An Independent Radical Newsweekly, gives regular coverage of the revolution in El Salvador and published a special 12-page insert, "El Salvador: The Struggle for Freedom" last spring. Subs $23 (+$5 Canada and abroad), 3 month trial $3. 33 West 17th Street, NY, NY, 10011.
The Nation, a left-liberal newsweekly, has also covered the revolution on a regular basis and has made two special issues available at bulk rates: El Salvador: The Roots of Intervention (10 copies $8} and Penny Lernouz on Latin America (10 copies $8). Subs $30, 72 Fifth Ave., NY, NY, 10011.
NACLA (The North American Congress on Latin America) has for 15 years provided excellent coverage of the political economy of the Americas. Their Report on the Americas comes out every two months and they have done three recent issues focusing on El Salvador — El Salvador: Why Revolution? (#802), El Salvador: A Revolution Brews (#804), and the May-June, 1981 issue, Central America: No Road Back. These back issues cost $3. Subs $15. 151 West 19th Street, NY, NY, 10011.
The U.S.-El Salvador Research and Information Center has just begun publishing El Salvador Bulletin. Now coming out monthly, they hope to to go bi-monthly soon. Subs $10. P.O. Box 4797, Berkeley, CA, 94704.
A great source of pamphlets, buttons, posters, T-shirts, stickers, etc. is Solidarity Publications, P.O. Box 40874, San Francisco, CA, 94140.
THE CASE OF EL SALVADOR (Central America Solidarity Committee, Costa Rica/El Salvador, 1980, 3/4 inch video, 30 min). Distribution: DEC.
EL SALVADOR: ANOTHER VIETNAM (Glen Silber, USA, 1981 — first version: 3/4 inch video, color, 60 min; update: both l6mm and 3/4 inch video). Distribution: Icarus Films and DEC.
EL SALVADOR: THE PEOPLE WILL WIN (Diego de la Texera, El Salvador, 1980, l6mm, color. 64 min). Distribution: Unifllm, DEC, and The Other Cinema.
EL SALVADOR: PORTRAIT OF A LIBERATED ZONE (Michael Chanan and Peter Chapell, England, 1981, 16mm, color, 64 min). Distribution: The Other Cinema and DEC.
EL SALVADOR: REVOLUTION OR DEATH (Frank Diamand, Holland, 1980, l6mm, color. 48 mm). Distribution: Unifilm, DEC, and The Other Cinema.
SEEDS OF LIBERTY (Glen Silber, USA, 1981, l6mm, color, 28 min). Distribution: Mary Knoll and DEC.
Distributors' Addresses:
DEC, 121 Avenue Road, Toronto, Ont., M5R 2G3, Canada.
The Other Cinema, 79 Wardour Street, London W1V 3TH, England.
Icarus Films, 200 Park Ave. South, Rm. 1319 New York, NY, 10016.
Unifilm, 419 Park Ave. South, New York, NY, 10003 or 1550 Bryant Street, San Francisco CA 94103.
Mary Knoll, Media Relations, Mary Knoll, NY, 10545.